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Words are spell-ing

Writer's picture: Peta-Ann WoodPeta-Ann Wood

Words resonate. It’s as simple as that. After reading my book What Happens When They Don’t Grow Back for the first time, a dear friend commented “I noticed how intentionally you chose your words.” Some of the best feedback I have received. Yes. Yes, I do choose my words very intentionally.

To quote Power Words Author, Sharon Anne Klingler: “Every word carries an energy that can be sensed, regardless of whether you are thinking it, speaking it, hearing it or reading it on a page.”

Do you ever get a ‘sense’ about a word? As in an energetic feeling or response about individual words. And I’m not referring to the dictionary meaning of a word, I mean an inner knowing about whether a word feels masculine or feminine or neither; or triggers some response deep within you; or simply holds a power for you that causes specific responses.

And if you do feel the energy and power of words, do you ever take notice of how your body, mind, spirit responds to that energy?

For example, putting on my Colour Therapist hat briefly, when you think, hear, speak or read the word blue – what do you feel? Your responses may range from cold to calm to ocean to depressed, for example, depending on your associated feelings with the word blue.

Words are so much more than their definition – they hold energy and power. Something that, as a writer, is at the forefront of my mind and mind’s eye all day, every day!

Another example for you. I refer to myself as an Elegant Rebel®. I have done so for a very long time, and I discuss many of the reasons why in my book. For me, the word rebel has a masculine energy – and I emphasise energy not gender. It’s an action word; it’s a fighting word; it’s a tortured soul word – think James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause here.

I live and breathe balance. Sometimes if a word feels overly masculine or feminine, I will need to balance it out with its other half so to speak. Enter stage left the word ‘Elegant’ which instantly brings images of Audrey Hepburn or Sophia Loren – simple, graceful elegance. The antithesis of the dictionary meaning of rebel perhaps. And yet for me, these two words work together so harmoniously, qualifying a multitude of traits – inherent or acquired.

Personally, I need to balance words energetically when writing, as I do in life in general. ‘Elegant’ is the perfect balance word. It brings in the feminine energy. As such, to elegantly rebel means to disrupt societal norms, gracefully and simply with compassion and kindness. This is the underlying reason I use the term ‘Elegant Rebel’ a lot in my branding and my writing.

However, it’s not just the balancing of words energetically – it’s also about being aware how the energy and power of the words you use may affect others around you. In my book I touch on a few that resonate with me in a less than positive way. These include ‘just’, ‘only’, ‘deformity’ and my ultimate not so favourite – ‘journey’. The incorrect use of the word ‘impact’ is another one as is the word ‘healer’. These words have a ‘deep, hackle raising’ effect on me. And yet I can guarantee the person sitting next to me this morning in the Vet’s Rooms wouldn’t bat an eyelid at any of these words. The energy and power of words connects to your subconscious which may trigger a response, and dare I say reaction, to certain words.

Your response or reaction is special to you and your lived experiences. It may even highlight for you some areas of your personal development or self-care which need additional attention.

I was reminded of another of my clanger words recently while listening to a ‘Facebook live’ by a very beautiful soul. Her broadcast reminded me of a word which rips at my core… compliment. I break out into a cold sweat when someone starts talking about compliments, let alone giving me one. Now. I’m attuned enough to realise my challenge with accepting compliments is, in a simplistic view, linked to my sense of personal value and self-worth. However, it goes even deeper for me, and I suspect many other folks, too if they realised what they were doing.

One of my core, longstanding values is respect. An altogether powerful word indeed. It has a ‘worth fighting for’ energy about it for me. So. When I recognise, I am disrespecting someone unintentionally, my inner monologue goes directly into meltdown.

But what has this got to do with the word compliment? Good question – I shall tell you. When you consciously choose to rebuke a compliment bestowed upon you, you are simply being disrespectful.

Another sentient being as taken the time and effort and, in some cases, stepped out of their comfort zone to pay you a compliment and what is the standard fear-based response – ‘nah…’ or ‘that’s not true’ or ‘you need glasses’ etc – all invalidating statements. Unintentionally devaluing the thoughts of another. Disrespecting them.

Of course, it’s also a huge neon sign highlighting the inner work you may require on your self-worth etc – but if that thought also sends you into a cold sweat, start with the power of the word respect. Start by respectfully accepting the compliment as opposed to trigging similar devaluing feelings in the compliment giver. And following this, respect yourself by acknowledge the underlying reasons why you wanted to debunk the thoughts of another and then commence the hard work of unpacking your self-worth needs.

The power and energy of words will differ for every single one of us, as it depends on our own personal experiences. We all have words which are associated with joyous, peaceful memories and moments as well as words which we associate with unpleasant and painful memories – see journey for me!

William Somerset Maughan once said “words have weight, sound, and appearance”. Have a ponder – are there any words which immediately spring to your mind which trigger specific feelings or maybe a name or even a place? Our self-conscious attaches emotions to the words in our lives giving them the power and energy to subsequently colour our world and, on occasion, provide the undercurrent of how we view our world too. And in some cases, why we break out in cold sweats and cannot continue listening or reading to someone or something.

To quote Sharon Anne Klingler again, “The language you use brings forth the life that you create. And the words that you use over and over are the language that teaches you - and teaches the world about you. Your words are reflections - images of yourself.”

What words do you sense the energy and power of? Do you feel this in your soul? How do you use language – consciously or not – to create your world? A challenge for you – have a go at noticing these things – the energy of a word and how you respond. You may surprise yourself how much you do feel the energy and power of words. They will never simply be ‘words’ ever again.

Peta-Ann is the Founder of Elegant Rebel®, providing support for other soul-full rebels in rediscovering their uniqueness and celebrating all that they are and can be. Elegant Rebels choose to follow their inner-knowing instead of societal norms and take heart-centred action filled with compassion, kindness and grace.

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